July 31

July 31


Goblet Hold 3 x 1:00 

Split Squat 3 x 10 e/l 


Super Set

10 Lateral Shoulder Raise 

10 Upright Row



10-1 Pull Up

1-10 Burpee



10 KB Swing OTM  

July 30

July 30


Aerobic Threshold Pace

Ultra : Up to 2h:00

Marathon : Up to 1h:30 

Middle Distance : Up to 1h:00

12 x 100m OTM 


Warm Down

2 Rounds 

10 Heel Raise e/l

10 Step Down e/l

10 Single Leg Glute Bridge e/l 

10 Bird Dog

10 Fire Hydrant 

10 Donkey Kick 

10 Single Leg RDL 

1:00 Plank Pose

1:00 Lateral Plank 

July 28

July 28


Aerobic Threshold Pace

Ultra : 5h:00

Marathon : 3h:00

Middle Distance : 2h:00

Warm Down

2 rounds

10 Split Squat 

10 Lateral Lunge 

10 Step Down 

10 Single Leg RDL 

10 Cat Cow

10 Lateral Plank Leg Raise 

20 Sit up 

20 Contralateral Deadbug

July 27

July 27


Aerobic Threshold Pace

Warm Up: Lunge Matrix 

Ultra : 2h:30

Marathon : 1h:30-2h:00

Middle Distance : up to 1h:30 

Warm Down

2 rounds

10 Split Squat 

10 Lateral Lunge 

10 Step Down 

10 Single Leg RDL 

10 Cat Cow

10 Lateral Plank Leg Raise 

20 Sit up 

20 Contralateral Deadbug

July 26

July 26


Split Squat 3 x 10 

Goblet Squat 3 x 10 


DB Row 3 x 10 

Calf raise 3 x 10 e/l 



5 rounds

10 Dip

10 Row

10 KTE



3 rounds

5 KB Deadlift


15 KB Swing  

July 25

July 25


Aerobic Threshold Pace

Warm Up: Lunge Matrix 

Ultra : 15k 

Marathon : 12k

Middle Distance : 10k 

10 x 100m w. 1:00 recovery 


Warm Down

2 rounds

10 Split Squat 

10 Lateral Lunge 

10 Step Down 

10 Single Leg RDL 

10 Cat Cow

10 Lateral Plank Leg Raise 

20 Sit up 

20 Contralateral Deadbug

July 24

July 24


Timed Intervals

Threshold Pace

Warm up: 100 heel pull, lunge matrix, hip circle drills, 2 miles E pace + form drills

15 x 1:00 w. 1:00 running recovery 

Warm Down

2 miles E pace + 100 Heel Pull 

Lunge Matrix 

July 23

July 23


Good Morning 3 x 10 

Suit Case Deadlift 3 x 5 



Band Pull Apart 3 x 20

DB Curl 3 x 10 



5 rounds

10 Scap Pull up

5 Pull up

10 TTB



OTM for 8:00

8 Burpee

KB Swing w. remaining time