December 23


Box Squat 3 x 5 

Push Press 3 x 5 

Good Morning 1 x 10 



AB Wheel 3 x 10

Back Extension 3 x 15 

Glute Bridge 3 x 20 



Bear Complex 

3 rounds 

2:00 recovery between rounds


December 22


Marathon Pace Intervals

Warm up : 100 heel pull, lunge matrix, hip circle drills, 2 miles easy pace + form drills

3 x 2 miles w. 2:00 recovery 

Warm Down

2 miles easy pace + 100 heel pull

2 rounds 

10 Lateral Leg Swing 

10 Split Squat 

:30 Bottom Squat Hold

10 Good Morning 

10 Knee Circles 

10 Bird Dog

10 Donkey Kick 

December 21


Step Up 3  10 e/l

Single Leg RDL 3 x 10 e/l



5 rounds 

10 Pull up 

10 Pistol 

10 V-up

1:00 Hollow Rock



10:00 AMRAP

20 KB Swing 

10 Burpee Box Jump 


December 20


Aerobic Threshold Pace


8 x 100m w. 100m walking recovery 

Warm Down

2 rounds 

50 Heel to Hamstring 

10 Inch Worm Push up 

10 Lateral Lunge 

10 Leg Swing 

10 Lateral Leg Swing 

20 Sit up 

20 Contralateral Deadbug 


December 19


Front Squat 3 x 5 

Press 3 x 5 

Deadlift 1 x 5 



Ring Row 3 x 15 

Ring Push up 3 x 10 

Slider Plank Knee to Elbow 3 x 10 



5 rounds 

10 Stone Shoulder 

50m Stone Carry 

10 Stone Squat 

December 18


Threshold Intervals

Warm up : 100 heel pull, lunge matrix, hip circle drills, 2 miles easy pace + form drills

8 x 100m w. 100m walking recovery 

6 x 200m on a 2:00 cycle 

4 x 400m w. 1:1 recovery 

2 x 600 w. 1:1 recovery 

Warm Down

2 miles easy pace + 100 heel pull

2 rounds 

10 Lateral Leg Swing 

10 Split Squat 

:30 Bottom Squat Hold

10 Good Morning 

10 Knee Circles 

10 Bird Dog

10 Donkey Kick 

December 16

December 16


Aerobic Threshold Pace 


8 x 100m w. 100m walking recovery 

Warm Down

100 Heel Pull 

20 Walking Lunge 

10 Lateral Lunge 

10 Inch Worm Push 

10 Knee Circles

10 Fire Hydrant 

10 Bird Dog 

20 Glute Bridge 

20 Contralateral Deadbug 

December 15

December 15


Good Morning 2 x 10 

Step Up 3 x 10 e/l 

Thruster 5 x 5 



Glute Bridge 3 x 20 

Lateral Lunge 3 x 10 e/l 

KTE 3 x 15 



10 KB Swing OTM for 10:00